Monday, May 25, 2009

A prayer

So, I just wrote a prayer for guidance on my other blog. But right after that, I felt I need to write this.

Today, in the 11:17 PM of May 25, 2009, I give you my all. Lord, take me to do your will. Take me to do whatever it is necessary to win hearts for you - to bring people to Christ, and to renew their faith in you.
Lord, I know that no matter what, you will always be there to guide me, to make sure I never fail, and if I do, you're there to bring me right back up to my feet.
Lord, you test me many times and sometimes I fail, and sometimes I stumble. But, Lord, you are always there to carry me over all the obstacles and burdens I face.

Lord, help me to plan the 2010 Conference and help me to make it a very memorable experience for everyone involved. Lord, give me the wisdom and guidance I need to lead your servants to producing an impeccable conference for you. I know that, in many ways and in many places, I may not be the best person to do so. But, I know that, with you by my side, there is nothing I cannot do.
You're going to lead the conference through me. You're going to make sure I have the best time of my life planning this conference, and at the end, it's all going to be worth it. The trip sure may be on a rocky road. But, the destination is definitely well worth the trip, Lord. Despite the implications in my life, help me, Lord, to do what is best for your kingdom.

Help me, Lord, though, to work harder in school, but to never let school be an obstacle in my journey with you, Lord. But, Lord, help me to be successful, in my education as well as in my walk with you.

Keep me safe. Keep everyone who's taking this journey with me safe, Lord. Bless us and guide us, Lord. Give us the answers we need. Give us the comfort we need.

In Jesus' blessed name I pray,

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